Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Journal Entry
June 21, 2007
Page 38

What stuck to me the most about this page is that Okonkwo just beat one of his wives for just taking some banana leaves off of his banana tree, he really needs to learn patience and kindness. There may have been bad things about his father, but there was good things about him too, like he was patient and kind, that is something that Okonkwo could have tried to learn instead of beating and striking fear into people. A bad thing though that his father did was be lazy and not pay off debts, and Okonkwo was right to not become lazy and have a goal in life. Just because his father lived an unsutable life doesn't mean that he was all bad, so I guess that means that Okonkwo is not all bad either, but we have yet to see the good.

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