Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Night's Vocabulary

Christine Bays
Mrs. Bosch
Honors English 10P
8 January 2008
Night’s Vocabulary
1. Prostrate- 1. To make (oneself) bow or kneel down in humility or adoration. 2.To throw down flat. 3. To lay low: overcome.
2. Interlude- 1. An intervening episode, feature, or period of time. 2. A short farcical entertainment performed between the acts of a medieval mystery or morality play. 3. A short musical piece inserted between the parts of a longer composition.
3. Reprieve- 1. The postponement of a punishment. 2. Temporary relief, as from danger or pain.
4. Rations- 1. A fixed portion; especially, an amount of food allotted to persons in military service or to civilians in times of scarcity. 2. Food. 3. Ro restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime.
5. Dysentery- An infection of the lower intestinal tract producing pain, fever, and severe diarrhea, often with blood and mucus
6. Robust- 1. Full or health and strength; vigorous; hardy. 2. Powerfully built; sturdy; husky. 3. Requiring or suited to physical strength or endurance.
7. Quarantine- 1. A period of time originally lasting 40 days, during which a vehicle, a person, or goods suspected of carrying a contagious disease are detained at their port of entry under enforced isolation to prevent disease from entering a country. 2. Enforced isolation or restriction of free movement imposed to prevent a contagious disease from spreading. 3.Any enforced insulation.
8. Apathy- 1. Lack of emotion or feeling. 2. Lack of interest in things generally found exciting, interesting, or moving; indifference.
9. Humane- 1. Having the good qualities of human beings, as kindness, mercy, or compassion. 2. Tending to evoke or promote these qualities
10. Grimace- A sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain, contempt, or disgust.
11. Nocturnal- 1.Of, suitable to, or occurring at night. 2. Having flowers that open during the night. 3. Active by night, as certain animals.
12. Livid- 1. Having discoloration of the skin, as from a bruise. 2.Ashen or pallid, as with anger, rage, or illness. 3. Extremely angry; furious.
13. Pious- 1. Having or exhibiting reverence and earnest compliance in the observance of religion; devout. 2. Marked by conspicuous devoutness. 3. Devotional.
14. Interminable- Tiresomely protracted; endless
15. Wizened- Shriveled; wizen
16. Morale- 1. Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character; pertaining to the discernment of good and evil. 2. Designed to teach goodness or correctness of character and behavior; instructive of what is good and bad. 3. Being or acting in accordance with standards and precepts of goodness or with established codes of behavior, especially with regard to sexual conduct.
17. Infernal- 1. Of or relating to the world of the dead in classical mythology. 2. Of or relating to hell. 3. Abominable; damnable.
18. Refuge- 1. Protection or shelter, as form danger or hardship. 2. A place providing protection or shelter; haven or sanctuary. 3. Anything to which one may turn for help, relief, or escape.
19. Oppressive- 1. Difficult to bear: harsh: tyrannical. 2. Causing a state of physical or mental distress
20. Expelled- 1. To put out or lay out; spend. 2. To use up; consume.

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