Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Journal Entry
July 10, 2007
Page 54 paragraph 1

Men have always had to be men, no matter where you are. They are supposed to be the strong ones, the ones to not be scared, the ones to protect their families, the ones to provide for the family, and the ones to not cry. Most men aren't all those things, but they try to be as close to that as possible. Men have that kind of mentality because from a young age the have to do different things than girls, and they are treated differently. Boys are encouraged to do sports or manly things, and girls are incouraged to play with dolls and have tea parties. In the village the boys don't listen to their mother's stories anymore because they want to act like a man, and have their father aprove of them. Men I think will always be that way.

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