Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Bell Jar: Chapter 3

Journal Entry
November 7, 2007
Chapter 3
Page 29 Paragraph 2
"The joke was that at my wedding my grandfather would see I had all the caviar I could eat. It was a joke because I never intended to get married, and even if I did, my grandfather couldn't have afforded enough caviar unless he robbed the country club kitchen and carried it off in a suitcase."

Esther right now would be considered a spinster. She has decided that she will not get married. Her job options would be a school teacher, a waitress, or a nurse. She wouldn't have very high social standings because she would not have a husband to get her there. Esther I'm sure will come across the right man someday and will change her mind, because I believe that their is a soul mate out there for everyone.

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