Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Bell Jar: Chapter 7

Journal Entry
November 8, 2007
Chapter 7
Page 82 Paragraph 1-2
"Of course, Constatin was much too short, but in his own way he was handsome with light brown hair and dark blue eyes and a lively, challenging expression...I thought, 'This Constantin won't mind if I'm too tall and don't know enough languages and haven't been to Europe, he'll see through all that stuff to what I really am.'"

Esther is just the same as Buddy. She wants someone to love. Someone that cares about how she truely feels. She feels that Constantin is the right man, and even if he isn't the right man, a man close enough to the right one. She doesn't think that she's good enough for Constatin. She tells her self though that Constatin won't care, and he probably won't. I really don't think that he is right for her. She just needs to realize that Buddy isn't the only man out there that could love her.

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