Friday, January 4, 2008

Night: 4

December 26, 2007
Page 30 paragraph 6
"Not far from us flames were leaping up from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. Alorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load--little children. Babies! Yes, I saw it--saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames. (Is it surprising that I could not sleep after that? Sleep had fled from my eyes.)

Having to see people getting burned, is something no one would ever forget, seeing children and innocent babies being burned is even worse. Just to think that these children died because of their religion, not ever really getting to live their life. Just the smell of burning human flesh would make me vommit. Seeing innocent people is unfair, what did they do to deserve this, I would be angery and scared to think that they could take my life away so easily, and it wouldn't even mean anything to them. It's just unthinkable.

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