Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Catcher in the Rye: Chapter 3

Journal Entry
September 23, 2007
Chapter 3

Holden is talking about this guy named Ossenburger. He is a man that gave money to the school, so they named a wing of the school after him. Holden says that he came and they had to line up in lines to greet him and show appreciation. He gave a speech "that lasted about ten hours", and he told them that he talked to Jesus, and "it about killed me" said Holden.

Holden doesn't seem to have much respect for his elders. I have noticed that he really only cares about himself and what he thinks, and I can see how he doesn't have a lot of friends. He holds himself to highly in his head that he thinks everyone is below him. He thinks he is too important to listen to anyone else like his teacher Mr. Spencer. He is like a little kid, he should start acting his age like his parents told him.


#maywisor said...

While you believe Holden must reassess his belief system and way of looking at the world and the people in it, I believe it is you that needs to change.

Be more open minded.


#maywisor said...

I hope you don't believe I am being a judgmental idiot either though. I am simply giving my criticism. Have a nice night Christine.

#maywisor said...

my blog.