Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Catcher in the Rye: Chapter 7

Journal Entry
September 25, 2007
Chapter 7
Page 51 paragraph 1
"'Wise guy. Someday somebodies gonna bash your-' I didn't even bother to listen to him. I shut the damn door and went out in the corridor."

I am thinking that this is foreshadowing. It is foreshadowing because Holden isn't listening to what Ackley is saying, and he does act like a wise guy. So therefore, it probably will happen, because in books someone usually will tell you what will happen sometime in the book, and it is a least likely character. Ackley is a least likely character for this to happen to because Holden is always making him seem stupid, a kid that has no brains. Holden should try to listen to people more often.

1 comment:

#maywisor said...
